Monday 15 April 2013

Kid Icarus: Uprising - Nintendo 3DS

In short, it's a fun little 3D fully capable game that'll keep you entertained for a bit, but you won't want to go back to it. 

Kid Icarus Uprising was an experiment for the 3DS, before I bought it I thought it was a 'must have', but it really isn't so spend your money on something else.

Set in a world that's now in chaos because of the evil Medusa, you play as Pitt with his godess watching over his back. Every first half of every level you do has a flight section, where you are given Icarus' wings in order to fly your way to your destination and slaying every demon/monster in your way. The second half introduces melee combat where you will be free roaming (Or dashing) everywhere in a set path to each levels' boss/finish.

The controls aren't too easy to get used to if you have a 3DS XL like me because you have to hold the console in one hand, stylus in the other to look around so it can be a bit awkward at times! The looking around is what's unique though, the bottom screen acts as a globe that you have to spin to look in that direction, so if you want it to stop you have to hold the stylus. There are a variety of weapons to go through depending on your playstyle (Melee or ranged), whether you like the sound of claws, bows or gunblade style weapons all are available and unlockable as you progress!

My main problem with Kid Icarus, and yet another 3DS game is that it's too short! I really liked playing this to chill or just wanted something light-hearted to play because it's not too serious and has some funny/constant dialogue so you can have a laugh while dashing enemies out of the way. I probably finished it in around 7 hours, trying to get through the game almost as fast as possible to see if was worthy keeping my attention. I was just hoping that the £39.99 I spent on it was worth the time, but it wasn't.

You get a couple of things in the box to keep you playing after or extending play-time, a stand (Depending on what edition you got) and some AR (Augmented Reality) cards to unlock some extra gear if you scan them, pretty cool.

  • Fun gameplay.
  • Lovely colours and relatively good graphics.
  • I like the stand that you get with it, because the XL's don't get a dock.
  • Good idea with the weapons, everyone likes unlocking and getting new gear!
  • The AR cards are cool.
  • Wanted more play time! Seriously, I can't wait for Animal Crossing because that £40 is going to give me more hours than all the games in the Halo series combined!
  • Even though it's a Nintendo game, aimed at kids to young adults, it felt a little too childish at times.
My Rating:

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